Opportunity to Thrive

Opportunity to Thrive

It’s no secret that our government and its various leaders and organizations have a long history of unfair and even corrupt dealings with our indigenous populations. 


Being forced onto reservations, Native Americans have had no choice but to adapt in order to survive. There, the neglect has continued as they’ve been systematically isolated from the rest of the country for generations, in terms of health, education, jobs, and even the most basic amenities.


At Bear Pack Industries, we believe this isolation can be leveraged and embraced, making these reservations a place of economic and industrial refuge from the chaotic world around them.


Because of this isolation, Native Americans have the unique potential to thrive on their reservations in ways that would be impossible anywhere else. Especially now, when so many cities, states and even countries are struggling.



As with any opportunity, the timing is critical. Right now, the government has allocated billions of dollars to the tribal reservations in the form of Cares Act Funds and Arpa Relief funds. Additionally, there are dozens if not hundreds of grant opportunities that are offering free money to the tribal nations for a wide range of uses and applications.


Many of these funding sources have a very short timeframe in which they will be available, and must be utilized immediately or they will revert back to federal accounts.


Here to Help:

This is where Bear Pack Industries is uniquely qualified and positioned to help. With the approval of tribal councils and leadership, we can allocate and use as much of these funds as possible for those projects that benefit the Native Americans before those funds are lost. We have a team who can help write resolutions, apply for grants, and work through the cumbersome application processes, and then put these funds to work immediately on those initiatives that provide long-term benefit for the Tribal Nations.


We also have a team of project managers, contractors, scientists, specialists, educators, and many more on standby to help the tribal nations as soon as these initiatives are approved and we are able to move forward. Our project capabilities include telecom, construction, farming, agriculture, transportation, technology, and education, to name only a few.



Here at Bear Pack Industries, we make it a point to always respect the Dine way of life practicing the Navajo’s Hózhǫ́ǫ́n Planning Theory, ensuring all projects and initiatives will continue to positively benefit them and their families for generations to come. As such, we will never force our way or our views. We work with tribal representatives to ensure proper harmony and heritage are always respected.


Contact your Bear Pack Industries representative today. So, we can begin work on your dreams for tomorrow.